When Jim was transferred from Seaforth Long-Term Care Home in May 2018 from hospital, his life expectancy was considered ‘limited.’
At Southbridge Care Homes, our philosophy is to provide the care and support necessary to not only sustain a person’s life but to work with that individual to maximize their potential for living life to the fullest. Seaforth Long-Term Care Home is managed by Southbridge Care Homes.
When Jim first arrived at Seaforth, he was unable to walk and needed staff to assist him with all transfers. But Jim was determined to not only improve his ability to walk, but to transfer back home.
With that goal in mind, Jim was assessed by physiotherapy and within a week of admission, he started physiotherapy sessions to walk again. Jim started attending exercise classes with a physiotherapist and used a device called a Nuerogymtech sit-to-stand trainer (available in the home) to strengthen his legs.
Within a month, Jim started nursing rehab, where he was learning to walk using a high walker. At first, Jim required one staff to assist him and another staff to follow him on his walks with a power wheelchair, in case he needed a rest. But after three weeks, he was walking well with only one staff supervising and walking beside him.
Staff reached out to an adaptive aids provider to bring in a walker with an attachment that would make Jim’s walker higher. With an adaptive walker, Jim quickly graduated to walking independently.
After only two months in rehab and physiotherapy, Jim demonstrates daily his ability to be independent with all transfers and walks independently. In just over 14 weeks, Jim’s was walking and transferring independently.
Jim now uses his walker to go to meals instead of sitting in his power wheelchair. He transfers himself independently into a dining room chair for all meals and walks around Seaforth Long-Term Care home independently.
And Jim’s progress is getting him closer to this goal – returning to his home of many years. He has been discharged from nursing rehab just 31/2 months from his admission date and is waiting for an assessment to see what other accomplishments he needs to fulfill to be able to go back home.
Jim should be home by the end of November.
Jim’s story is an example of the possibilities that can be achieved with a positive attitude, hard work and a committed resident with staff members’ assistance.
Southbridge Care Homes
Creating Caring Environments for seniors is a remarkable responsibility that Southbridge Care Homes takes seriously. Managing more than 30 long-term care homes, retirement and independent living communities across Ontario, we strive to ensure our residents feel connected, supported, loved and cared for.
Contact Information
Patrick Moore
Director of Communications, Stakeholder & Government Relations
766 Hespeler Road, Suite 201
Cambridge, ON N3H 5L8
P: (519) 621-8886, x. 201
M: (647) 539-3953
F: (519) 621-8144